Get Outside

“If you wish to know the divine, feel the wind on your face and the warm sun on your hand.” –Buddha

When the pandemic hit in 2020, my partner and I suddenly found ourselves parenting full time on top of our full time jobs. Although we were splitting up our work schedules to take care of our daughter, the days were long and I wanted to make sure we weren’t relying too heavily on TV. So, I set a goal that we would be outside for at least two hours a day. Often we were outside for longer, but having a reasonable goal helped me feel sane and successful under otherwise stressful and impossible circumstances. Research shows that being outside benefits our health and happiness in many different ways. Although those early pandemic days are thankfully far behind us, I continue to prioritize time outside for my child and myself and draw inspiration from 1000 Hours Outside. Whether it’s taking a walk, eating a meal, or attending a virtual meeting, getting outside is a welcome change of scenery and an opportunity for me to slow down and notice the world around me.

How can time outside support you in your practice of living and parenting mindfully?



