
“You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” –Maya Angelou

Caring for children is a practice in creativity. Here are a few ways I invite creativity into my own parenting: Imagining ways of relating to my child that I did not experience in my own life. Looking for support or tapping into my own resourcefulness when I am feeling challenged by my child’s behavior or a dynamic in our relationship. Letting go of inner critics and allowing myself to play, be silly, make “bad” art and enjoy the process of creating, or shift expectations of myself and my child. Problem solving to meet my needs. Collaborating to meet the needs of my partner and child. Challenging my daughter to a race to get her to move from where we are to where I’d like us to be … There are so many ways caring for children calls for creativity and its counterpart flexibility.

What are you creating in your life and relationships? Where could you use some creativity and flexibility right now?


Pursuing Wholeness

