
There is power in making deliberate choices about where to focus your time, energy, and resources. I chose “focus” as my word for 2022. In 2021, it was “joy” and, hard as it was at moments, it was fun and important to take notice of when I experienced joy, felt joyful, or needed to invite joy in. “Focus” came to me intuitively on a walk as I thought about how I want to serve other parents and caregivers in the coming year. So, I’ve decided to cultivate two focused online groups for parents and others caring for children in 2022. One is a space for those of us who are writers or want to write and another is for those who came to our parenting/caregiving experience later in life (I’m currently thinking 35 plus but am exploring this and open to suggestions). If you’re interested in learning more about either of these groups, please send me a message.

Where do you want to put your focus in 2022?




Winter Giveaway