Got three minutes? 10 tiny ways to take care of yourself.

Need a break? Here are 10 tiny ways to reset in three minutes or less.

  1. Set a timer for three minutes and sit in quiet stillness.

  2. Write an Inner Wise Self love note.*

  3. Look or sit outside.

  4. Walk half a block.

  5. Wash your hands and face.

  6. Give yourself a hug or massage.

  7. Drink a glass of water.

  8. Listen or dance to a song.

  9. Make yourself a cup of tea.

  10. Stretch or move your body in a way that feels good.

Which of these will you try? What would you add to this list?

* Writing Inner Wise Self love notes is a practice I learned from SARK (aka Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy). Imagine there’s a wise person inside you who understands you and looks at you with total love and affection. S/he does not criticize you. S/he offers guidance and assurance when you need it. Imagine s/he is writing you a love letter. Grab a paper and a pen, set a timer for three minutes, and see what s/he has to say. You can do this everyday or when you feel inspired or have a question that you could use some guidance on.


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